Zero Waste Urban Composting
We recycle trimmings from local trees as a carbon source mixed with brewer’s spent grain and spent coffee as nitrogen.

Soil Organic Carbon (SOM)
When you buy our live mulch and spread it on your garden you are feeding the soil with the same carbon that would naturally have fallen and decomposed in place in ancient times.
Soil-based carbon sequestration through Zero Waste Urban Composting can increase the rate of input of plant-derived residues to soils, like other Negative Emissions technologies, can help fight climate change.
Soil Organic Matter is made of organic compounds that are highly enriched in carbon. Soil Organic Carbon levels concentrated in the topsoil are directly related to the amount of organic matter contained in soil.
Humble = Humus
From Latin humilis ‘low, lowly’, from humus ‘ground’.

Bioactive live mulch available now.
Humic Substances. Supramolecular associations of self-assembling heterogeneous and relatively small molecules deriving from the degradation and decomposition of dead biological material. (Piccolo 2002).
Worm castings enriched soil blends coming spring 2025.